This recipe for Thanksgiving stuffing comes from Anna Lappe, author of "Diet for a Hot Planet." Here, the interesting flavors and texture come from herbs,...
This easy five-ingredient sauce has just a touch of cream to temper the acidity of the tomatoes; and it has the perfect consistency for spooning over all...
The secret to sensational batches is an all-in-one dough. Mix it in 10 minutes, shape it, top it, and bake it. Use this dough to make our Pretzel Cookies,...
Passion fruit puree simplifies the process of preparing this souffle, but the addition of fresh pulp just before serving adds a bright, crisp-crackly crunch...
These easy weeknight pies are full of surprises. Grill a bushel of produce-mushrooms, zucchini, red onion, and kale-and pile them onto rounds of store-bought...
True to its Sicilian roots, our cannoli are filled with fresh ricotta, instead of the custard and cream that define American versions. Cinnamon-infused...
Adorned with peppers, onions, broccolini, and artichokes, this hearty, colorful pizza is built in the traditional style of Chicago deep-dish, with butter...
Spaetzle -- a German dish of tiny noodles -- is often made by forcing dough through thelarge holes of a colander into boiling water;we like to use a potato...
Fried in oil in recognition of the ancient lamps that held only enough oil for one day but miraculously burned for eight, potato pancakes, are a traditional...
Fresh, snappy late-summer beans are a fleeting pleasure on their own. Jazz them up with the sweet acidity of large cherry and cocktail tomatoes and crackly...
A quick turn on the grill gives homemade pizza dough a pillowy texture and an irresistible char. Here, the pie is topped with gooey fontina, flame-kissed...
The game-changing glaze on these roasted sprouts is comprised of powerhouse pantry ingredients like honey, chipotle chiles, and soy sauce-giving them a...
This easy weeknight riff on pasta alla Norma upgrades store-bought cheese ravioli by tossing it with a mix of roasted eggplant, cherry tomatoes, shallots,...
The long, slow cooking of red onions and balsamic vinegar gives a lovely sweet, concentrated caramel consistency. These are then spooned into crisp cheese...
Blend mild farmer's cheese with sugar, raisins, and lemon zest to make the traditional filling for Cheese Danish. Martha made this recipe on Martha Bakes...
Pierogi are an incredibly versatile food, adapting to both sweet and savory fillings. Seasonal fruit, such as plump blueberries or Italian plums, makes...
A light souffle is spread with amixture of nutritious spinach, ricotta, and onions, then rolled to form spirals,and baked again. It can be served with...
A big bowl of seasoned popcorn goes a long way -- and is an excellent healthy snack. There's a secret to getting every last kernel to pop (let stand 30...
Make a fabulous Asian-style dressing with steamed, pureed carrots and plain yogurt for some added creaminess. Allowing it to sit for 30 minutes helps the...
Savory corn pudding is a traditional Thanksgiving dish in many parts of the country. This one, from Lewis Morris of Princeton, New Jersey, is slightly...
Each of these pink-and-white petits fours has two layers of extra-moist almond cake filled with cherry preserves, a coating of tinted glaze gives them...
This Asian-style dressing can also be used as a marinade for grilled shrimp, chicken, or pork, or as a tangy sauce for cold rice or soba noodles tossed...
On date night, your special someone will appreciate these ingenious ravioli (no pasta-making experience required). Store them in the freezer up to a month...
This recipe can be easily halved; while you are getting used to the technique, working in smaller quantities may be easier. The pasta must dried for several...
Our easy crumb topping -- a blend of butter, flour, light-brown sugar, salt, and cinnamon -- makes any muffin, no matter how simple, seem special. This...
Say goodbye to an hour spent hovering over the stove perfecting sweet, buttery onions. This recipe uses an Instant Pot to speed up the process and paves...
The juices of grapefruit and lime -- tempered by soy sauce and sesame seeds -- make this just the blend for a delicate Asian-inspired salad with thinly...
These Italian dumplings are essentially ravioli without the pasta covering. For best results, use fresh ricotta cheese, which can be found in Italian markets...